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Travels with Steve – About

Travels with Steve - About

Travels with Steve will take you to many unique places in which Steve will uncover many hidden gems and be both informative and entertaining. Steve Abel is the Steve in the new travel Blog: Travels with Steve. ”Love what you do. Do what you love ” is his motto.  Although travel blogging is new to Steve, he is quite an experienced traveler. He has traveled to 58 countries on every continent and all 50 states as well.

Our blogger was drawn to traveling at an early age. His job as the US representative of an international health science publisher permitted him to travel throughout the US. He also used his vacation time to travel the world. Steve has interests in many areas. He likes to study the history of the places that he visits. Expect Steve to seek out historical buildings. In addition, Steve enjoys architecture and blogs about unusual structures.

As with many travelers, Steve has a “Bucket List.” He will be referring to that as he crosses off places on the list,

Couple standing in front of the Petra ruins
Steve and Maria at the Treasury, Petra Jordan

On the list:

Man in a ballcap in front of white buildings
Steve at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA

Crossed off the list (Too many to list each one):

Woman drinking tea with St. Isaac's Cathedral in the background
Maria in St. Petersburg, Russia

Based in Philadelphia, PA, Steve will also visit nearby places and give posts on those as well. Steve is accompanied by his wife, Maria del Pilar. She provides Steve with a lot of support. Maria is Peruvian-born and is a great asset when they are “South of the Border” and also in Spain as well with her Spanish language skills.

Steve hopes that you become a regular visitor to the blog. Remember“Do what you love. Love what you do.”

Please give Steve your e-mail address and he will keep you posted on new updates to his blog.

Thanks for reading,

The Mission:

Join Steve a world traveler blogger as he travels to the World’s most interesting destinations.  My philosophy is “Do what you love. and love what you do” (attributed to Ray Bradbury and Confucius) that makes life worthwhile. I have a second component in which I try to learn about the people and places that I visit. I want to take something away rather than just pass through. My wish is to convey that spirit to my readers.

My posts are not complete travel guides but curated views of the different localities that I have visited. Also, I will add tips from my own experiences that will be useful to my readers in order to enjoy  smooth travel.

Please click on my posts and get some excellent insights into many interesting destinations in the world.  You will feel well rewarded.

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A Word from Steve:

When traveling, we always need a nice place to stay. Please do as I do and use

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